September 9, 2008

I finally have internet!!!

I am in the Philippines, and now I know what it's like to not have internet or phone for 2 weeks. It's been 4 years since I've travelled anywhere outside of North America that I forgot what it's like not being able to understand anything anyone else is saying (a lot of people can speak to me in English-- but I still can't understand what they are saying amongst themselves!), not having a car and not being able to travel by myself lest I be held up at knifepoint or have the seams of my back pocket cut apart and my money stolen without my being aware of it, or so my relatives say. However true it may be, I am in foreign territory... And this is why I don't like traveling! Sigh. I've been here for 2 weeks and will be here for at least 2 more. I have pics, but no way to upload them. One step at a time... I'm just happy to have internet again. Last night, I found a white hair about 3 inches long... sprouting from my cheek! It's probably my body's strange way of reacting to the hostile, i mean, different environment. The constant sweating, only relieved by cold showers (i have no choice) and megamalls; the constant smell of deisel; sharing the road with cars, jeepneys (google it), tricycles, pedicabs, horse carriages (yes, i could use a horse and buggie as a mode of transportation if i felt so inclined), motorcycles, pedestrians, and 4-year old squeegy kids. It's not that I'm shocked. After all, I was born here. I just feel a little helpless. Where do I buy a phone card? Right down the street, but wait! someone has to go with you. Can't I go there myself? No, they'll rip you off as soon as you open your mouth. Oh. Other short conversations go like this: Um, can you speak English please? I don't understand tagalog. Oh, are you Korean? No, I'm not Korean, I come from Canada. Really? You don't look like a Canadian. No, I was born here in Manila. Then why can't you speak tagalog? Arghh. BECAUSE I'M CHINESE!!! But I thought you were Canadian...

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