January 26, 2012

Strawberry Grapefruit Juice

Remembering summer on this winter day with strawberries I froze from the summer markets, some homemade sorbet, and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

Carbon Farming at Stone Barns

I attended a lecture at Stone Barns last night on a topic I have never heard before-- carbon farming. The speaker was Dave Jacke, author of Edible Forest Gardens and is a teacher of ecological design and permaculture. He talked about how to apply the principles of ecology to the design of a home garden of any scale that basically mimics a forest ecosystem, which can provide a multitude of benefits including "food, fuel, fiber, fodder, fertilizer, farmaceuticals, and fun" while minimizing or completely eliminating negative outputs into the environment. Because his idea is to mimic a natural forest-- whether it be in backyards, rooftop gardens, or acres of land-- it takes much less work than managing a vegetable garden or farm.
I'm not sure how I can apply these principles to my own home in Brooklyn, but I'm hoping to start with a better plan of my garden this spring. I learned a lot from my experiences last year, but I'm also realistic about my work schedule, so I'm just going to keep my balcony garden simple this time around. 

I hope to be able to go to more lectures at Stone Barns, since it's relatively close to the city and the center hosts a lot of interesting events about food and farming. Although I'm excited about my new job, I still want to continue learning and be a part of the farming community in some way. Coming up, there will be another lecture on carbon farming focusing on soil this Wednesday. Also, Joel Salatin, the farmer who Michael Pollan talks about extensively in his book The Omnivore's Dilemma and who is featured in the film Food Inc., will be giving a talk on February 4th. However, that one's already sold out! 

January 23, 2012

Winter's Here!

First time the cats have experienced snow!

January 17, 2012

Excited and nervous about the prospects of a new start... hoping for the best!

January 16, 2012

Butternut Squash & Feta Muffins

It's always fun to try out recipes I see online, particularly from 101 Cookbooks. We have her book at home but it's easier to just search for a recipe online, especially since she takes such lovely photos. For these muffins, I just used what I had at home so I didn't exactly follow the recipe she used (from a cookbook called Martha Goes Green). I used dandelion greens instead of baby spinach, partially substituted all-purpose flour with whole wheat, and threw in some yogurt. And I only made half a dozen since I wasn't sure how it would turn out. They came out pretty good though, so I'll have to try it again!

January 15, 2012

Earl Grey Hot Chocolate

After almost 8 years of avoiding chocolate (due to heartburn) I am slowly re-introducing it into my life. I made this hot chocolate with 70% cacao, whole milk, grated ginger, earl grey tea, and some cinnamon.

January 14, 2012

And the documenting of food continues. For lunch, I made a miso soup with dandelion greens, sautéed some veggies, and juiced some beets.

January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Photo from the New York Times
This is where we got our oil changed yesterday.

January 12, 2012

Spiced Chai

I've been making this really tasty drink from black tea infused with grated ginger and ground spices of cardamom, fennel seeds, peppercorn, cloves, cinnamon. I finish it by adding some creamy milk that I've frothed and that's all it takes to make yourself the perfect cup of chai. It's soothing, warming, and also a little addicting too.

January 6, 2012

Belated birthday get-together for Dan, I think it's been 6 years since we met. In school at NYU, he would print out notes for me when I was late for class; when we became nurses and worked at the same hospital, he would come down on his lunch break and hang blood with me when I was overwhelmed with my patients; and when I got married he took pictures for me and Neil for our engagement and wedding. I've realized as I get older that there's very few friends that have stuck around through both good and bad. And the ones that have, I'm very grateful for. Below, reminiscing about our trip to Japan in 2010. I rarely post pictures of people (especially ones with me in them)... but what the hell, here you go.

January 2, 2012

A New Year

Something about a new year and the thought of the last one gone by so quickly that makes me want to clean, organize, and plan. Wishing happiness and health to all.