March 28, 2009

Background Music

When I'm at work, I don't normally get a chance to sit down until about 1 am and then I have to keep running around every few minutes because patients keep calling throughout the night. But at around 3-4 am, things usually quiet down. We've usually finished our notes by now, and unless something bad happens, this is when we can surf the web, eat lunch, put our heads down, etc. The radio is constantly playing in the background at the nurses' station. The same songs keep playing over and over, but sometimes a song will come on that we haven't heard 10 times already, like this old school slow jam, and everyone will just hum along quietly. Alright, time to start making rounds again...


charles said...

hahahaha... i have timmy t in my itunes. perhaps this is a bit sad...

Angie said...

agreed, your having downloaded timmy t (or maybe you actually bought the cd!) and my dedicating a whole post to him is a bit sad. but it would be really sad if i actually paid for it on itunes now- in 2009- which i genuinely thought about doing after work that day. luckily, the cheesiness of the video has set in, and timmy t shall not remain at the top of my blog for long!