July 1, 2011

We went to California again for my cousin's Eagle Scout ceremony and also for another cousin's wedding. It was a nice trip, caught up with family/friends, finally went to the movies (last one I saw at the theater was The King's Speech!), and ate good food. Also went back to Cypress, CA where I lived for 10 years, to a local carnival fair with my uncle who was hired to take photos (although the one above is mine!) It was a little strange to be back in the area where I spent much of my adolescence. Some things have changed, but a lot has also stayed the same. It made me think about all that has changed for me and the path my life has taken since leaving California. Then I realized that I am where I'm supposed to be, which is a nice thought to have... it's accepting and actually liking my present state! So although it's always great to catch up with relatives and friends, I acknowledged during this trip how much I really like living in Brooklyn and on the East Coast in general. I'm glad to be back home with my cats, my farmer's market, and back at the garden again. Perhaps I've grown more roots here in NY than I previously thought I had!

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