July 28, 2009

Eight of us nurses, nursing assistants, and a respiratory therapist gathered around a computer at work last night to watch this video. And now that I'm home, I can't stop watching it... it makes me so happy!

July 24, 2009

A pic from Elizabeth Dye's blog of the beautiful dress she made for me.

July 21, 2009

Neil's cooking again: 1) cold tofu salad 2) sweet corn and edemame salad 3) striped bass wrapped in potato over sauteed leeks (with my favorite drink of choice-- grey goose with fresh grapefruit juice)

From NYkette

So I was off this entire weekend, but failed to switch back to day schedule. I need to get off this laptop and catch up on other things... like practicing the well-tempered clavier!

July 14, 2009

Gad Elmaleh & Audrey Tautou in Hors de Prix (2006) I have finally finished the Herzog documentary that Netflix sent me from about 2 months ago and thought I should make up for all my lost movies by watching one of the "Play Now" flicks. This cute French romantic comedy was just the movie I needed to see-- I can't remember the last time I did absolutely nothing and didn't feel guilty about it! Even if it wasn't good, I would still watch it because Audrey is so pretty in this movie. On another note:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
-Maya Angelou

So said the e-mail from my boss this morning. And so I shall aim to do tonight. But first, must get some beauty sleep. I know it's about time for me to go to bed when I can't tell whether Neil is sleep-walking or really stumbling into the kitchen for a glass of orange juice at 5 in the morning.

July 7, 2009

I was going to blog about a play I saw the other evening, but it seems pretty trivial to me now. Something so terrible happened at work last night to one of our patients, a night we thought was going to be relatively easy, with only 5-6 patients each. I can't even go into details because I'd like to keep my job (at least for now), but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I can't believe I chose a job where every single thing I do and every decision I make has a direct effect or consequence on another human being. There's no room for error, which makes going to work pretty scary. It doesn't matter if I didn't get enough sleep or didn't even eat or I have other things on my mind. I can't mess up. Last night was a wake up call. On top of what happened at the hospital last night, while I'm taking care of other people's family members, I'm also worried about my own who are in other people's care half way around the world, and who are also not in great shape. Sigh. I shall try to heed the words of my wise cousin: "Always look on the bright side of life" (whistle, whistle) I know I can't be the only discouraged RN out there. So in attempts to find solace, I searched for some blogs. Here are a few: